Thursday, July 6, 2017


I completed the first draft of my book! I met with my publisher today and it is ready to go for editing! I'm excited! It's been emotionally taxing but also very cathartic.

Here is a random gobbett from chapter 2:

It was August of 1986 and my friend Ashley was turning 16. Ashley's parents paid for her and several of her friends to go to the Van Halen concert.
Soon after arriving at the concert my friend Shannon and I started getting bored, so we started walking the concert hallways asking random guys if they had any pot. We kept getting turned down, until one guy told us that he didn't have any pot, but he did have acid. He offered to give us some at no cost, and we eagerly accepted.
The acid looked like a stamp. They guy told us to only take half of it ,at first, to see how it affected us. Shannon and I tore our "stamp" in half and swallowed it. We were both disappointed when we didn't immediately feel any sort of high, so we swallowed the last half of the "stamp."
A few minutes later the acid kicked in. At first it was glorious. The floor felt like it was moving up and down, and we were sort of just floating. It was like a dreamy alternate state of reality. Out of nowhere, my wonderfully groovy trip took on a malevolent form.
I felt like I was going out of my mind. My brain felt like it was going to explode, and everywhere I looked people were disintegrating into skeletons before eventually melting into a pool of nothingness.
I don't remember how our friends got Shannon and I into the car. By that time my hallucinations had become so sinister, that I started screaming at the top of my lungs.

Scripture verse:
"You, dear children, are from God and have overcome, because the one who is in you is greater than the one who is in the world" (1John 4:4).

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