Friday, August 18, 2017

Book Excerpt

Here is a random gobbet from my book.

In August of 1986, while I was working at my dad's store, I spotted an extremely handsome man, who was a sales representative for Nabisco. I pursued him, and for a very long time would have considered him to be the love of my life.
Joe Whitmarsh would come into AMC several times a week to stock the Nabisco shelves. I knew right away that he was considerably older than I was, but I was only fixated on how cute he was. When I would see Joe walk in, I would make my way over to the Nabisco section of the grocery department. We would talk and boldly flirt with each other. He told me he was 26 years old, but that did not dissuade me in the least. However, when I told him I was 16, he was initially hesitant.
Still, I was so bold that I gave him my phone number and told him to call me.
Once he got past his initial hesitation, we started dating. After the first date, I felt an immediate attachment to him.We talked every evening, and I would spend Friday and Saturday evenings at his apartment. We really couldn't go out in public for fear of exposure. I was able to keep the relationship a secret from my parents for a year.
Almost exactly a year after we started dating, Joe called me one evening, and told me he had met a woman in his apartment complex, whom he really liked. He told me he thought we should see other people. I had a complete meltdown. This gave birth to a new obsession; getting Joe back.
It was like Fatal Attraction Part 2. I would drive past his apartment and call him several times a day. When none of that worked, I spiraled into full blown anorexia.

Scripture verse:
"In my distress I called to the Lord, and he answered me. From the depths of the grave I called for help, and you listened to my cry" (Jonah 2:1).

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