Monday, September 4, 2017

Relaxing with God continued

I just finished chapter 4 of "Relaxing with God." There are a few things that really stood out to me in this chapter:

There are 613 laws total in the bible. Our flirtation with any portion of the law reveals our total disrespect for its perfection. Only those who opt for grace truly respect the perfect and impossible standard of the whole law.

The law did not die, but we died to the law. Our role now is to act dead to it, because we are dead to it. It's simply not for us as believers.

The law is still around. It's holy and perfect in every way (Romans 7:12). It is super useful in pointing out the grime on the face of humanity. It's just not any good at wiping it off!

In other words, the law makes us aware of when we have missed the mark (sin), but it is the love and grace that is lavished on us by God that enables us not to sin.

I have been studying law and grace for a couple of years. It is a real area of struggle in my life; to not try to prove my worth or goodness out of some obligatory act or performance.

From around the age 7, I remember being called a "mistake." Since that time, I have repeatedly tried to prove that my very existence was not a mistake. That has manifested in attempting to gain approval by works or performance.

But I am under a new covenant; the covenant of grace, which says I am perfectly acceptable and worth because of the shed blood of Jesus on the cross. God has declared me (and all other believers) worthy and acceptable. I can relax in the knowledge of this truth! 😊

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