Thursday, September 7, 2017

All the forgiveness you will ever need

In the book, "Relaxing with God" Andrew Farley says this,

"Jesus was the propitiation (1John 2:2), meaning 'the gift that satisfies completely.' This is precisely why passages in the New Testament that discuss our forgiveness expresses it in the past tense. It's past tense because nothing new is going to happen."

"The phrase 'ask forgiveness' and 'ask for forgiveness' do not appear even once in the New Testament."

"What should we do when we sin? Stop. Turn from it. Act differently (Eph. 4:28). Seek repair with those we've hurt. Still, in all of this, we don't have to ask for God to forgive us. Instead, we simply recall that our confidence is in the once-for-all sacrifice of his Son, and we thank him that we are forgiven people. That is how we truly honor the finished work of Christ."

"The requirement for our forgiveness and cleansing from God has already been met on the cross. So there is nothing we can do to make our forgiveness any more real than it already is right now."

Scripture verse:

"For by one  sacrifice he has made perfect forever those who are being made holy" (Hebrews 10:14, italicize mine).

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