My friend, Shannon and I are attending a four week teaching series at Bridgeway church on church history and end times. By the way, pastor Sam Storms is amazing!
Last night's teaching included church discipline. This is the first in depth teaching I have heard on this subject. It was so thought provoking!
Sam gave several points on why church discipline is necessary:
1. To maintain, as far as possible, the purity of the church.
2. Because Scripture requires it.
3. In order to maintain a proper witness to the world.
4. To expose unbelievers.
5. To facilitate growth and to preserve unity in the body.
6. To restore the erring brother/sister to obedience and fellowship.
7. To deter others.
8. To avert corporate discipline.
9. Because sin is rarely if ever an individual issue: it almost always has corporate ramifications.
10. Evidently Paul believed that the willingness to embrace the task of discipline was a mark of maturity in a church's corporate life ( 2 Cor. 2:9).