Sunday, December 31, 2017

Belief by inference

I believe in God.

Not because my parents told me to, not because my church told me to, but because:

I've inferred from the intrinsic strength of the cosmological argument, the moral argument,

Swinburne's argument from temporal order, the argument from miracles, and C.S. Lewis' argument

from reason that the probability of theism is more than sufficiently high.

Lisa Quintana

Saturday, December 30, 2017

Pastor Sam Storms letter to OU

Check out @Cfeix7’s Tweet:

This is the letter Pastor Sam Storms wrote to OU, regarding the resignation of Kirk Humphreys. It is a beautifully written letter centered on biblical truths.

If you can access Twitter, check it out!

Friday, December 29, 2017

Sam and Izzy

Normally, Sam hates big dogs, but not only does he not hate Izzy, he loves her!

I love watching these two interact! 😍

Every good and perfect gift comes from above!

Thursday, December 28, 2017

Prosperity and the social gospel vs the true gospel

The prosperity gospel says you need more.
The social gospel says you need less.
The true gospel says Jesus is contentment in more or less.

Dr. Andrew Farley

Sunday, December 17, 2017

Sam and Harry

Sam and his friend Harry in their Christmas collars! 💝💝💝

Friday, December 15, 2017

Prevenient Grace

For one of my classes, I wrote a paper entitled, "The Calvinism Conflict."

In a nut shell, Calvinism says that God predetermined before the beginning of the world, who would be saved (the elect) and who would not be saved. 

I wrote this paper to refute Calvinism. I used the 5 point of Calvinism which are:

T- total deprivation
U-unmerited favor
L-limited atonement
I-irresistible grace
P-perseverance of the saints.

This is referred to as TULIP Calvinism. I don't disagree with every aspect of Calvinism, but there are many elements, of the doctrine, that I think are in contradiction to Scripture.

When my professor commented on my paper (which I got an A on 😀) he explained to me about Prevenient Grace. It is the doctrine of John Wesley:

It's true that on our own we are unable to reach out to God for salvation. Prevenient Grace (the grace that "comes before") maintains that God is always and constantly reaching out to all persons, offering grace that enables us to hear the Gospel and respond. 

Not that we naturally or innately have "free will," but God offers "free grace" that enables us to freely make a willful decision. 

It is "freed will" rather than "free will."

Love this!!

Thursday, December 14, 2017

R.C Sproul

The great R.C. Sproul died today. He was a  phenomenal Theologian and Apologist.

He has left behind an amazing legacy!

Wednesday, December 13, 2017


My friend Shelly and I went to see the movie, Wonder today. It's about a boy with Treacher Collins Syndrome, which causes severe facial deformity. He goes to a regular school, for the first, when he is in 6th grade.

I don't think it's as good as the book. But it's still a great movie to teach children, as well as adults, to treat those, who are different than you, with dignity and respect.

Sunday, December 10, 2017


What we want is not to surrender, but to believe. Christians don't live by primarily being tough with themselves, but by believing God had already done something tremendous. Believing in the change God has made in us will lead us to do great things.
We will do them because we believe it's now our nature to do so. We'll do them by faith in God about ourselves, agreeing with him. No one will have to harangue us into doing something godly!  In every way, acting godly and doing godly things are the most "normal" things for those who are God's children.

God's Astounding Opinion of You.

Friday, December 8, 2017

Pure joy

It is pure joy watching Sam and Sadie play!

Every good and perfect gift comes from above. James 1:17

Thursday, December 7, 2017

Jesus is our treasure

"The paltriness of our lives is largely due to our fascination with the trinkets and trophies of the unreal world that is passing away. When we are not profoundly affected by the treasure in our grasp, apathy and mediocrity are inevitable. If passion is not to degenerate into nostalgia or sentimentality, it must renew itself at its source. The treasure is Jesus Christ. He is the Kingdom within."

God's Astounding Opinion of You

Saturday, December 2, 2017

Carry one another's burdens

You can't help with a burden, unless you get close to burdened people.

Timothy Keller